Contact Details
Manager: Waste Management
Tel: 0516332441
Waste Management and pollution control
In terms of section 24 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, everyone has the right to an environment that is not harmful to their health or wellbeing and to have the environment protected through reasonable legislative measures.
The Constitution further places an obligation in terms of section 152 (1)(b) and (d) on the part of local government as stipulated in sections 4(2)(d) and 4(2)(i), 73(1) and (2) of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, to ensure that the right to a clean and healthy environment is fulfilled.
Waste Management service include Waste Generation, Refuse removal, Recycling and Disposal.
Currently the municipality is collecting refuse at kerb side to 23 903 formal households, government institutions and businesses. There are 7933 registered indigent consumers. The municipality collects refuse once a week per household. This makes the municipality to collect 100% from formal erven. There were collections taking place in informal settlements which makes the municipality to collect more than 23 903 formalised erven. The Municipality has 5 Waste Disposal sites, 1 in each town
Environmental awareness is key when rendering the service of Waste Management. Communities are urged to work cooperatively with the Municipality to promote recycling by separation of waste at source and detouring of illegal dumping. The Municipality use polluter pays principle through the implementation of by-Laws.