Contact Details
General Complaints
Tel: 051 633 2406
Problem Building Enquiries
Tel: 051 633 2406
Copies of Archived Building Plans
Tel: 051 633 2406

Building Control
The building control section is the correspondence link between the various departments and the public regarding all building plan submissions or enquiries to ensure a proper clientele base and extend the value of excellent service delivery. The section is also responsible for all building inspections and also issue occupancy certificates to declare such structure fit for use when completed. The public is welcome to visit the building control help desk during business hours should they require copies of building plans, NBR information, progress of applications, etc.
Building Control - Relevant Legislation / Policies
- WSLM Outdoor Advertising and Signage Policy
Building Control By-Laws
- WSLM Building Control By-Law
- WSLM Building Control Problem Buildings
SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)
- WSLM Building Control SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)
- Building Plan Application documents
- Municipal Tariffs
Frequently Asked Questions
What if someone fails to submit a plan?
Once you have your plans, should you wish to submit them yourself you will need:
• Zoning Certificate - Confirms which zone category your project falls under (Very important to enquire first because if the zoning does not match the proposed development, then a rezoning application will need to be applied for prior to approval of the plan.
• A copy of the Title Deed – if not your property obtain Authority from owner
• Application forms obtained from your Local Authority
• The plans
• Standard forms from engineers who have consulted on the plans
What if someone fails to submit a plan?
If you've chosen to build without having the plans approved, a building inspector is entitled to enter your property and order construction to stop immediately. He could even obtain a court order for the structure to be demolished, at your expense, and you would be liable for legal costs as well. In serious cases, you could be fined or sent to prison.
Where can I get an application form?
You can get application forms here or from the building plan submission counters on the Technical Services Walter Sisulu Offices (Building Control) (5 Young Street) in Maletswai, between 8am and 3pm.
What if no building inspector notices your illegal alterations?
They could come back to haunt you years later - when you try to sell the house and the prospective buyer asks to see approved plans.
Who has to submit building plans?
You submit the completed forms, together with the building plans and supporting documentation to the same counter on the Technical Services Walter Sisulu Offices (Building Control) (5 Young Street) in Maletswai, between 8am and 3pm.
Who long does it take?
Patience is required once applications have been submitted. The approval process may take well over 30 working days for building plans with less than 500m2 and up to 60 working days for building plans above 500m2. After four weeks, request an update and follow up with your local municipality to ensure that all the required documentation has been received.
Any new building and any alteration that adds on to or changes the structure of an existing building must go to the Technical Services Walter Sisulu Offices (Planning) Development Management Department for approval.